Health & Wellness
We believe in nurturing the whole child.
Healthy kids are stronger students, and so at Wesley we prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of all our students.
Staying Well!
The nurse’s office is available daily to address the medical needs of our students. As per state law, students who have a communicable disease must notify the nurse upon re- entry to school. Parents must notify their child’s teacher of any such severe illness within twenty-four hours.
We wish to provide a healthy environment for all children. Wesley Families, please login to the Family Portal and visit the Wesley Wellness page to see more Health and Safety updates specifically for Wesley students and families.
Recess and Brain Breaks
Children have 20 minutes of outdoor recess each day, weather permitting. Teachers also incorporate “brain breaks” into the daily routine. These short activities allow students to dance, shake, and get the wiggles out in the classroom before settling in to focus on learning.
Physical Education
Students participate in P.E. weekly throughout the year. Our curriculum focuses on the benefits of an active lifestyle, age-appropriate exercise, participatory games, and physical skills and strength training.
Wesley also encourages students to participate in team sports or in school clubs that promote physical activity.
Nurse’s Office
Should a child become ill at school, our nurse is available to assess and care for students. The Nurse’s Office is also the contact for students who need to take medication during school hours.
Meal Program
We also promote student health through a nutritious meal program. We are excited to announced that Wesley will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-25 school year. This program is an alternative provision that provides meals at no charge to children at a school site. Thanks to this program, we will be able to offer healthy meals to ALL students through CEP at no charge.
Food Allergies - Special Diet Request
To obtain special diet accommodations for a student, the APS School Nutrition Department Special Diet
Request form shall be completed and signed by a licensed, recognized medical authority. Please fill out and return the form APS School Nutrition Department Registered Dietician (emailed listed on the form).
School Safety
Wesley takes the safety of our students seriously. The school building is locked during school hours each day, and all visitors must sign in at the front office to enter. Safety officers are also on-site to help keep the building secure.
Public Health
Wesley follows the protocols and guidance of our district, who works closely with local and state public health officials to stay abreast of public health guidance. Please see Atlanta Public School guidance related to: Monkeypox and Covid-19.